Born A Crime

Trevor Noah

Born A Crime

Recommendation inspired by:
How to make a sad story funny - Jodie Houlston-Lau

Why we love this book:

Apartheid, racism, and settler colonialism can make people feel perplexed and uncomfortable. Between media sensationalization and the shortcomings of history books, we often forget to think about oppression from the lens of those affected by it. In his memoir Born A Crime, Trevor Noah tells the story of South African apartheid from the perspective of a half-Black, half-white child trying to rationalize his bizarre and “illegal” existence. His conversational writing and charismatic humor will have you questioning whether there’s ever a bad time for jokes. The book starts off with Trevor getting tossed from a car. You think you’re in for a joke (which you are!) but soon enough, you realize the context is much larger than that. Born A Crime takes its readers on an emotional roller coaster; you’ll find yourself crying on one page, and laughing while you flip to the next.

Recommended by:
Abdallah Ewis, TED-Ed Team

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